Foods that reduce stress and anxiety

The first connection between natural remedies and mental health was established
when it was discovered that niacin cured pellagra. Since then, deficiencies in
vitamins and minerals have been linked to all kinds of mental problems,
including both stress itself and the proclivity toward stress. Even happy
people can become depressed as the result of a niacin or folic-acid deficiency,
reports Earl Mindell, author of The Vitamin Bible.

Dr. R. Shulman reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry that forty-eight
out of fifty-nine psychiatric patients had folic-acid deficiencies.

The nutrients important in the reduction of stress are listed below:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) -- taking more than the average can alleviate depression
and anxiety attacks.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) -- the body uses this vitamin to produce natural
antidepressants such as dopamine and norepinephrine.

Pantothenic acid -- a natural stress-reliever.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) -- another natural stress-reliever.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) -- assists in maintaining a healthy nervous system,
improves concentration, increases energy levels, and helps relieve stress and

Choline -- a natural sedative.

Vitamin E (dry form, alpha-tocopherol) -- aids in the transport of oxygen to
the brain, vital for maintaining a stable mood.

Folic acid -- deficiencies have been known to contribute to a number of
different mental illnesses.

Zinc -- essential for a healthy brain.

Magnesium -- a mineral that combats stress and its negative effects on the

Manganese -- reduces stress and irritability.

Niacin -- needed for a healthy nervous system.

Calcium -- alleviates stress and has a calming effect.

Tyrosine -- speeds up the production of the natural antidepressants dopamine
and norepinephrine.

Tryptophan -- in conjunction with vitamin B6, niacin, and magnesium, produces
the neurotransmitter serotonin, the king of natural anti-stress chemicals.
(Note that many popular medications used to treat depression and anxiety
actually work their magic by increasing the level of serotonin in the brain.)

Phenylalanine -- another trigger of the natural antidepressants dopamine and

So how do you ensure that you are not deficient in any of these vitamins and
minerals? The easiest way of going about this is to take a daily multivitamin
and mineral supplement. There are many different brands of multivitamins on the
market today, but you need not spend your cash on a brand purporting to be of
premium quality; a one-a-day generic multivitamin will work fine for most
people. Most of the generic multivitamins are low in vitamin C, however, so you
may wish to buy an additional container of vitamin C capsules.

Another helpful supplement is fish oil. You have probably heard that there are
good fats and bad fats when it comes to diet and nutrition. Well, fish oil is a
source of good fats, otherwise known as essential fatty acids (EFAs). A vast
number of people are deficient in these essential fats. Taking fish oil
daily will allow your body to normalize EFA levels. One sign that this is
working is that your skin will take on a very smooth texture. You may also find
that your moods are far more stable than usual.

A herbal supplement that many people find helpful in dealing with stress is St.
John's wort.

Be sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet. The results of not getting
enough fiber are enough to cause stress in anyone.

Drinking plenty of water is a piece of advice that you have probably had
drilled into your head on many occasions. Although the conventional wisdom of
drinking a certain number of glasses of water each day has actually been
challenged scientifically in recent times, there can be no doubt that staying
properly hydrated is vital for healthy skin, healthy kidneys, and a healthy
body overall. Moreover, what is one of the classic symptoms of dehydration?
Stress, irritability.

Nutrition for stress-free living is not merely a matter of what to take into
the body, but also of what not to take into the body. Excessive smoking,
excessive amounts of alcohol, and the use of illegal drugs wreak havoc on the
body and cause unnecessary amounts of stress. Sugar, saturated fat, artificial
preservatives/flavors/colors, and substances that your body may not react well
to (such as lactose, gluten, and caffeine) all start a chain reaction that ends
in stress, among many other problems. If you really want to stop harmful
substances from entering your body, consider switching to organic food.

A fast every now and then is a natural form of detox. You may wish to
incorporate intermittent fasting into your diet.

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