"The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." - Bruce Lee

As a Law of Attraction Life Coach, I consider myself to be in the Happy, Healthy Life business. As such, I enjoy making a study of the best ways to attain and maintain health and happiness.

As there are hundreds of processes and perspectives to apply toward the goal of health and happiness, I decided to see if I could boil them all down to three steps that will work for anyone anytime anywhere. Here's what I came up with:


1. Do your best to feel good in mind, body and spirit.

*Mind. Your thoughts are the one thing you have complete control over, so do your best to choose positive, optimistic thoughts - thoughts that feel good; thoughts of love, joy and appreciation. Thinking feel-good thoughts is not always an easy thing to do, but always worth the effort. As Mike Dooley says, "Thoughts become things. Choose the good ones."

*Body. Everyone wants a healthy, fit body that feels good. One thing that really helps is to relax and breathe throughout the day. Another good practice is to choose food that is alive; food that enhances rather than deprives. And be sure to move your body. Choose exercise that feels good to your unique and precious body.

*Spirit. What is the best way for you to align with Source? Whether it's prayer, meditation, or a walk in nature, do something daily that gives you the feeling of oneness and connection with All That Is. Do something that aligns you with Who You Really Are and that inner knowing that All is Well.

2. Do your best to fully accept yourself, other people, and what-is.

You may have noticed that fighting against what-is leads to frustration. And perhaps you've noticed that fighting against what you don't like in yourself or others is like sending out an engraved invitation for more of the same. Fighting against is exhausting, weakens your connection with Who You Really Are, and diminishes your power. When you stop complaining and telling those old sad victim stories, you take your power back. When you release grudges and forgive yourself and others, you re-align with your natural state of Well-Being.
NOTE: Full acceptance does not mean settling for less than you desire. When you fully accept yourself, other people, and what-is, you're then able to focus on what you prefer without resistance. And, focusing on what you prefer without resistance is the key to the Law of Attraction kingdom.

3. Do your best to focus on the positive aspects in everyone and everything.

Make it your top priority to seek out the best in everyone and everything. There is wanted and unwanted in every part of the Universe and you get to choose what you focus on and, thus, what you attract. In those cases where others seem to be determined to hide their positive aspects and flaunt their negativity, it becomes a bit of a treasure hunt. But, as you know from the Law of Attraction, focus is everything. So, when you set your intention to find and focus on the positive aspects in everyone and everything, that is exactly what you will attract.
There you have it - three steps to a happy, healthy life. Will these three steps enable you to create the life you desire and deserve? Well, there's only one way to find out. If you challenge yourself to do these three steps for thirty days, I'm confident you'll be pleased with the results.

And, did you notice each step begins with "do your best"? We're not seeking perfection here. Simply do your best each day and soon you'll be flying high, enjoying the happiest, healthiest life you can imagine!
When you take care of the inside, the outside takes care of itself!

Kate Corbin is a Law of Attraction Coach and the creator of Gold Star Coaching. Both her coaching practice and her three ebooks - "Dining at the Cosmic Cafe, How to Be and Do and Have Whatever You Desire;" "Manifesting from the Inside Out with the Law of Attraction;" and "Think and Grow Thin with the Law of Attraction" - are designed to empower you to truly live the life of your dreams. To contact Coach Kate, download a free copy of her ebook "Magical Musings on the Law of Attraction," and subscribe to her ezine, visit Gold Star Coaching.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Corbin

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